7 Ways To Deal With Difficult Behavior Caused By Alzheimer's and Dementia

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Lately I have been receiving a lot questions from readers asking how to deal with the difficult behavior that is often expressed by persons living with Alzheimer's and dementia.

Alzheimer's Care, Dementia Care dealing with difficult behavior

By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room

Often these behaviors can be stressful and sometimes combative.

Here is an example of a question that popped up on one of my Facebook pages.

What can you do when the Alzheimer's Patient gets combative and you want to avoid Nursing Homes.

Dealing with Difficult Behavior Caused by Dementia

I decided to put together a list of articles from the Alzheimer's Reading Room that address this issue.

Please take the time to read the articles, they can contain lots of useful tips.

You might also consider sharing this article with others or in support groups.

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1. Alzheimer's Caregiving Dealing with Behavior

What you have expressed about your emotions and frustrations about taking care of your Mother who suffers from dementia, I've heard so many times before.

2. Rechanneling Difficult Behavior Caused by Dementia

Persons living with Alzheimer's or a related dementia are well known for their challenging, often difficult, behaviors.

How to Get a Dementia Patient to Do What You Want Them to Do

3. Challenging Behavior in Persons with Dementia

The ONLY Way to Deal with Challenging Behavior in Persons with Dementia IS "To PREVENT IT in the First Place".....

4. Stress Intensifies Alzheimer's and Challenging Behavior

It is my belief that the reduction of stress could reduce the progress of memory loss in Alzheimer's patients; and, could lead to a happier, more easy to deal with, person living with dementia.

5. Dealing with Difficult Behavior Caused by Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia

I often get asked questions about how I dealt with my mother when she engaged in difficult to manage behaviors.

6. Alzheimer's Dementia Caregiving -- Learning to Deal with Difficult Behavior

I had to learn to deal with that brain. To accept that mom's brain works different. This different brain requires me to adjust my communication. It required me to learn new and different ways to deal with the behaviors that come with Alzheimer's disease.

7. Alzheimer's Disease Nobody Wants Our Dad

Three Daughters Battle Alzheimer's and the Healthcare System.

How to Get Answers To Your Questions About Alzheimer's and Dementia

Additional Sources of Information

Experts propose new approach to manage the most troubling symptoms of dementia, lessen use of drugs

Treatments for Behavior

Caregiver's Guide to Understanding Dementia Behaviors

You are reading original content the Alzheimer's Reading Room

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