Seeing the True Value of Our Loved Ones with Alzheimer's

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Alzheimer's Reading Room

The following Article was written by Jade C. Angelica, author, minister, spiritual director, caregiver – offering Alzheimer’s inspiration for individuals and groups.

Excerpt from the original article.
Scripture: "Do you still not perceive or understand? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes, and fail to see? Do you have ears, and fail to hear?" ~ Mark 8: 17b-18a (NRSV) 
Quote: "It is only through the heart that one can see rightly." ~Antoine de Saint Exuprey, The Little Prince.

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Based on what we have heard about Alzheimer's disease and the observations we may make with "eyes to see but do not see" and "ears to hear but do not hear," we could erroneously conclude that the potential and purpose of persons with Alzheimer's is all used up. But in order to discover the inherent potential and purpose of persons with Alzheimer's, we need to look with the "fresh" eyes of one who seeks the holy - in all of life.
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Seeing the True Value of Our Loved Ones with Alzheimer's When Our Vision Is Blurred by Tears

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Jade C. Angelica Alzheiemr's Reading Room
Rev. Dr. Jade Angelica holds a Masters of Divinity degree from Harvard Divinity School and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Andover Newton Theological School.

She is Founder and Director of the Healing Moments Alzheimer’s Ministry and author of Where Two Worlds Touch: A Spiritual Journey Through Alzheimer’s Disease.

Her most important ministry, to date, has been caring for her mother who died from Alzheimer’s is 2011.

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