Investigational Drug RVT-101 Shows Promise and is Being Investigated as a Treatment for Alzheimer's

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One of the biggest problems we are facing in finding an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s is the lack of participation by qualified patients in clinical trials.

The benefits to people living with Alzheimer’s are great when participating in a clinical trial.

Alzheimer's Reading Room

It is my belief that caregivers should be investigating and participating in Phase III clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease.

At least 70,000 people with Alzheimer's, healthy volunteers, and caregivers are urgently needed right now - National Institutes of Health (NIH)

The only way to find a cure, or effective treatment for Alzheimer's is through participation in clinical trials. Right now, only a small fraction of Alzheimer's patients and caregivers are participating.

This lack of participation is a major factor that is delaying the identification of an effective treatment.

The benefits to people living with Alzheimer’s are great when participating in a clinical trial.

This includes not only testing to determine the stage of the disease, but also medical testing to determine overall health.

The MINDSET study is evaluating an investigational treatment for Alzheimer’s disease (known as RVT-101) that is taken together with the medication donepezil (Aricept).

In a previous study the combination of RVT-101 and donepezil was observed to provide statistically significant benefits on measurements of study participants’ cognition and ability to perform daily living activities, as compared to donepezil alone.

The phase III clinical trial (MINDSET) is now open and recruiting new patients. If you are interested in finding out if you loved one is qualified to participate for this clinical trial go here, or click on the image at the top this page.

All information is covered by the Privacy Act and is HIPAA compliant.

The phase III study will have the following:
  • All study-related medicines and consultations specific to the study will be free of charge, and transportation to and from the clinical trial office can be provided (also free of charge). This eliminates transportation problems.
  • The patient may continue to see their regular doctor while participating in this study.
  • Health insurance is not required to participate in this study.
  • A high standard of study-related medical care will be provided.
  • Patients may help to advance a potential new treatment for mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease.
  • When the participant completes the study, there will be an opportunity to continue in a 12-month “extension” study.

How does RVT-101 work?
  • RVT-101 works by raising levels of acetylcholine, a vital chemical in the brain that helps with cognition and performing daily living activities.
  • RVT-101 is believed to work best in combination with drugs like donepezil (Aricept), known as cholinesterase inhibitors. RVT-101 stimulates the release of acetylcholine directly, while drugs like donepezil prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine once released.
  • Because RVT-101 is an investigational medication, it is available only through this clinical research program.
Has RVT-101 been tested in previous clinical studies?

RVT-101 has already been tested in 15 clinical studies, including a 684-subject study where the combination of RVT-101 and donepezil was observed to provide statistically significant benefits on measurements of cognition and ability to perform daily living activities, as compared to donepezil (Aricept®) alone. The MINDSET Study aims to confirm these results.

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