Americans Fear Alzheimer’s More Than Heart Disease, Diabetes or Stroke
A study by the MetLife Foundation found that Americans fear getting Alzheimer's disease more than heart disease, stroke, or diabetes. Alzheimer's ranks second in the minds of American's only to cancer.
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The Seven Stages of Alzheimer's
Experts have documented common patterns of symptom progression that occur in many individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and developed several methods of “staging” based on these patterns.
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James Smith: I'm 45 Years Old, I can't have Alzheimer's
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Keeping time with Alzheimer's
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Advice and Insight into Alzheimer's diseaseSubscribe to The Alzheimer's Reading Room
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Bob DeMarco is an Alzheimer's caregiver and editor of the Alzheimer's Reading Room. The Alzheimer's Reading Room is the number one website on the Internet for advice and insight into Alzheimer's disease. Bob taught at the University of Georgia, was an executive at Bear Stearns, the CEO of IP Group, and is a mentor. He has written more than 700 articles with more than 18,000 links on the Internet. Bob resides in Delray Beach, FL.