Elly Lorey Alzheimer's Murder Trial--Fenn's Beat the Rap--Not Guilty on Murder Charge

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The verdict is in the Elly Lorey Alzheimer's murder trail. Kristen and Toby Fenn will serve less than two years for their heinous behavior.

The Fenn's were convicted of the lesser charges of culpable negligence and abuse of an elderly person. Not guilty on the murder charge.

Don't blame the Judge Stephen Rapp, he gave Kirsten and Toby Fenn the maximum allowable sentence of five years. With timed served the Fenn's could be released in a little over year.

Kirsten and Toby Fenn both addressed the judge before sentencing. Neither party showed remorse.
"Thank you for putting up with this fiasco that we've been going through," said Toby Fenn, addressing Judge Rapp. "I'd like to let you know my wife and myself never, ever, once hurt my mom. We cared for her every day. We never neglected her."
I think this excerpt from the Sun Sentinel sums it up,
She (Elly Lorey) never saw a doctor, and her 5-foot-6 frame had withered to 80 pounds by the time she died. Autopsy photos showed a figure barely recognizable as a human being, a frame of just skin and bones.
This trial did not attract the coverage I thought it would. Not even here in south Florida. However, Missy Diaz of the Sun Sentinel, and Susan Spencer-Wendel of the Palm Beach Post both did a great job covering the trial.

Here are the articles that are currently available, I'll add to this as they come in.

West Boca couple guilty in death of elderly mother

Couple beats murder charge, still headed to prison

Fenns sentenced to five years in prison in Boca Raton Alzheimer's patient starvation death

You can read more about Elly Lorey and the trial in the following articles.

Did a Boca Raton Couple Murder Elly Lorey Who Suffered from Alzheimer's Disease?

89-year-old 'was a prisoner', prosecutor argues in murder trial of Alzheimer's patient

Neglect killed 89-year-old West Boca woman, Dr. Peter Rabins testifies in murder trial

HBO star of 'Autopsy' series says death of 89-year-old Alzheimer's sufferer was not homicide

Elderly mother 'starved to death,' ex-medical examiner says in Alzheimer's murder trial

Daughter tried her best, but elderly mother still died, she says

Defense puts on its case in elderly abuse murder trial

Prosecutor: Taking care of elderly woman was "imposition" for daughter, son-in-law

Released alternate juror would have voted for a first-degree murder conviction in death of 89-year-old Alzheimer's sufferer Elly Lorey

Reporting for the Florida Sun Sentinel--Missy Diaz

Reporting for the Palm Beach Post--Susan Spencer-Wendel

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Bob DeMarco is the Founder of the Alzheimer's Reading Room and an Alzheimer's caregiver. Bob has written more than 1,950 articles with more than 95,100 links on the Internet. Bob resides in Delray Beach, FL.

Original content Bob DeMarco, Alzheimer's Reading Room

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