Aging with Grace

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By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room

Last week I had an interesting telephone conversation with Patricia Grace, the founder and CEO of Aging with Grace.

During the conversation we discussed the call in telephone service they offer to caregivers. Patricia gave me a clear understanding of the myriad of situation that come up when people call in looking for help and advice.

While listening to Patricia it became obvious to me how important this service is, and can be, to caregivers that are wondering what to do, or wondering if their loved one is suffering from Alzheimer's and dementia.

Her is a short description of the service.

Aging with Grace offers solutions to caregivers throughout the United States & Canada who experience the stress of eldercare issues.
  • We assess your current caregiver situation.
  • We offer the healing touch of compassion, understanding and expertise needed to make informed decisions.
  • We provide you with the knowledge, tools and resources to address your specific needs.

I know and understand from my own conversations with people I meet how difficult it is to accept that someone you love is falling into a state of dementia. I also understand that typically a person has no idea where to turn, or how to get help.

The typical Alzheimer's caregiver comes to the job with little or no understanding of Alzheimer's and dementia. More often than not, their personal care physician is ill equipped to make the diagnosis. The statistics show that less than one third of all personal care physicians can make the diagnosis.

In my own case, my mother's long time doctor said to me, "she is getting old". That was almost six years ago. I guess by now he would be telling me she is older than dirt.

Aging with Grace lots of information and a support group on the website.

The call in service and premium content that Aging with Grace offers is available for an annual subscription of $34.95 a year. A great value in my opinion. They do offer additional negotiated services.

Patricia founded the service five years ago, as a low cost alternative to geriatric care management services.

Go here to check it out and find out more about the service.
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Bob DeMarco is the editor of the Alzheimer's Reading Room and an Alzheimer's caregiver. The Alzheimer's Reading Room is the number one website on the Internet for news, advice, and insight into Alzheimer's disease. Bob has written more than 800 articles with more than 18,000 links on the Internet. Bob resides in Delray Beach, FL.

Original content Bob DeMarco, Alzheimer's Reading Room

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