Alzheimer's Care Color Me Purple

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I think to myself, am I purple? Not like Barney. More like, do I have a purple aura surrounding me right now?

Bob DeMarco Founder the Alzheimer's Reading Room
By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room

Not so long ago I was in the Banana Boat with Dotty.

There was a man sitting a few seats away and he kept turning and looking down at me. Over and over.

I thought it was a bit strange.

He wasn't looking at me like he knew me. In fact, I couldn't figure out what he was doing.

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Later, he got up and went to the men's room. On the way back he stopped to talk to me. He said, your mother has Alzheimer's. Not does your mother have Alzheimer's? Your mother has Alzheimer's. He then tells me his mother suffers from Alzheimer's disease.

He asked me how we were doing. I tell him pretty good. Under the circumstances very good. He then tells me a bit of his story and how his entire family is involved in the care of his mother. I say, she is very fortunate. Not lucky, fortunate. He contemplates this for a moment, and then shakes his head yes.

He proceeds to tell me I am a good son. He says it with conviction. Without hesitation, without doubt. He says it like he is certain. He knows.

As he leaves he looks me in the eyes and says, God Bless You.

Later that night, I think about the encounter. It was interesting and uplifting.

I think to myself, am I purple? Not like Barney. More like, do I have a purple aura surrounding me right now?

One of the biggest and fastest growing groups in the world are the purple people. Many of us, the purple people, are looking for other purple people. Somehow, one by one, we come to a simple conclusion -- We need purple people in our lives.

Purple people feel like they are misunderstood. They feel that most people really can't understand the life they are living. Purple people often feel lonely, like they are alone. The exception to this rule is when they meet other purple people.

Purple people know something that only other purple people know and understand. Somehow, talking to a purple person brings comfort. Most importantly, it brings strength and courage.

It isn't easy being purple.

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Bob DeMarco is the Founder of the Alzheimer's Reading.

Original content the Alzheimer's Reading Room

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