Alzheimer's Community Question -- How Many Hours Do You Work Each Week? Does Anybody Care? Should They?

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I wonder if families, relatives or friends ever consider how many hours a week an Alzheimer's disease caregiver works a year? 8,760 or more versus 1,800 for the typical working stiff...
By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room

I'm sitting here considering how many hours a week I work at my job as an Alzheimer's caregiver.

I have to be here all or most of the time keeping an eye on or caring for Dotty. That means 168 a hours week. 8,760 hours a year.

Not really. I am fortunate, Dotty sleeps through the night now. So lets take off ten hours a day. 70 hours a week. 5,260 hours a year.

How many hours a year does the typical person work? 40 hours a week? 50 hours? How many hours a year? 1,800 hours a year? Don't forget you have to subtract out the weekends, vacation time, and holidays for a typical worker. Vacation. How does that word sound to you these days?

So the typical caregiver works 5,260 hours a year or more. The typical working stiff works 1,800 hours a year or more.

Of course there are Alzheimer's caregivers that work a job, and then come home and assume the duties and responsibilities of a caregiver.

Have you ever heard this TGIF -- Thank God its Friday? Ever heard the typical working stiff say I can't wait for the weekend? Ever had a typical working stiff tell you about the vacation they just had in Jamaica (fill in the blank)?

I wonder if the friends, relatives, and families of a typical Alzheimer's caregiver ever consider the number of hours a caregiver works each week? Often more than 16 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year? I wonder if they relate this back to how many hours they work each week?

I wonder if they ever think to themselves -- I couldn't do that. I wonder if after thinking they couldn't do it, if they connect the dots?

Do they ever think, I better help the person doing this impossible job that I could never do by myself?

I wonder if they ever think while they are sitting around at night, or enjoying themselves on the weekend, if they should take some care giving responsibility?

Or, do they just disconnect?

I wonder?

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Original content Bob DeMarco, the Alzheimer's Reading Room

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