Branded Generic Aricept Price Drops 36 Percent

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Each day, on average, over 1,200 persons are diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. By the end of May, branded generic Aricept will be affordable for a greater number of patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's Reading Room

I learned two weeks ago that Greenstone announced a 36 percent price reduction for branded generic Aricept at the wholesale level.

Greenstone is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pfizer (PFE).

See the latest update on pricing 

See these links for the latest pricing and update.

Today, our reader Monika emailed me and told me she was able to purchase branded generic Aricept at COSTCO for $153. 30 day supply, 10mg, generic Aricept.

I asked her if the pill was the same or similar to the branded Aricept. She sent me the image you see here. Looks the same to me.

This new pricing is about $100 below the average pricing from last month.

For those of you that have been emailing me with concerns about the Ranbaxy generic Aricept, you should discuss this issue with your doctor. Make sure he knows that the branded generic is now on the market and is available.

The news on generic Aricept is going to get better soon. After the exclusivity period ends on May 25, the price of generic Aricept is expected to fall into the $50 - $75 area for a 30 day supply.

You might be wondering why I am so excited about this. There are two main reason.

First, each day on average over 1,200 persons are diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. By the end of May, Aricept will be affordable for a greater number of patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Second, this new pricing model for Aricept will make the combination of Namenda and Aricept more affordable for those who can benefit from this treatment.

My current understanding is that 61 percent of those patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease are in the moderate to severe stage of Alzheimer's disease. Only a fraction of those patients are on the combination of Namenda and Aricept.

While I am not a doctor, I believe all families should consider the combination of Namenda and Aricept; and, should discuss this issue with their doctor.

Go here to find out why.

In the case of my mother, Dotty, there can be no doubt that the combination of Namenda and Aricept helped us to achieve what we have -- living our life the way we always had. The behavior change in my mother was remarkable after she started taking Namenda. I understand that some Alzheimer's patients have a problem tolerating these drugs. This make me feel sad.

Many of those families who could not afford Aricept might be able to now. Or, maybe when the price drops again in May.

Please share this good news on Aricept via email with everyone you know suffering from Alzheimer's disease (Please use the Share button).

Alzheimer's Disease -- Advice and Insight

Original content Bob DeMarco, the Alzheimer's Reading Room

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