Dotty Shows Improvement and Talks to Her Parrot (Cinch)

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Yesterday was a bad day for Dotty. Frankly, I was somewhat distraught the entire day...

By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room

For the first time ever, Dotty didn't try and get out of bed yesterday in the morning. I did not hear those famous words, "Bobby, I am awake you know".

I actually had to go in at 10 AM and get Dotty out of bed. I then washed her hair and gave her a shower. I had been putting this off for as long as I could.

After the shower, Dotty was totally out of gas and asked to get back in bed. She wasn't communicating with me -- nothing.

I was worried.

Finally at noon I decided to get her out of bed. She was listless. I did get her to eat some soup and ice cream. One thing, I have not had any real problem getting liquid in her.

The entire day was horrible. Dotty slept most of the day. And, even when her eyes were open she wouldn't talk.

I did get her to eat a bit so that wasn't a problem.

At 10 PM, I had to wake her up and put her in bed.

Around 1:30 AM she got up and I had to change her diaper. One thing for sure, the liquid is moving through her system.

This morning she woke up and said the magic words. I'm awake you know. Then she said, you have to get me out of this thing, its wet. First time she has acknowledge the wetness. Usually, I say, I have to change you and she says she is not wet. You all know that is rarely the case.

I should mention this. Yesterday, I asked Dotty repeatedly if she had a headache. She told me no. Then late in the day I heard her telling the parrot she had a headache. It looks like this parrot might be a new tool.

To listen to Dotty speaking to her new parrot -- go here.

I am hopeful that today remains a good day. We are back to the doctor tomorrow.

Original content Bob DeMarco, the Alzheimer's Reading Room

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