Pete the Repeat Parrot

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Many of you are asking questions about Dotty's parrot.

This is actually our second Pete the Repeat Parrot. We received our first one from Kristen (Dotty's granddaughter) about 4 years ago. I started looking for it a month ago and couldn't find it. I didn't throw it out, so I am not sure what happened to Pete.

Here he is.

You can go here to listen to Dotty talking to Pete.

Repeat Talking Toy Parrot
Repeat Talking Toy Parrot

As you know if you listened to the podcast, Pete really entertains Dotty.

Dotty really gets tickled talking to Pete. I actually made a video of Dotty talking to Pete but she doesn't look very flattering in the video. I think I will wait and make another video when Dotty is feeling and looking better.

Here is something very interesting. I asked Dotty repeatedly yesterday if she had a headache. She said no every time. However, while she was talking to the parrot she told him she had a headache. I actually was filming Dotty when she told Pete and I was not in the room. I caught it later while watching the video. Think about it.

The same thing happened again today. I am really learning a lot as I listen to Dotty talking to Pete. I'll talk more about that when I put the video up.

Maybe I can turn Pete into an effective Alzheimer's caregiving tool. I'll work on it.

Alzheimer's Disease -- Advice and Insight

Bob DeMarco is the Founder of the Alzheimer's Reading Room and an Alzheimer's caregiver. The blog contains more than 4,100 articles with more than 450,000 links on the Internet. Bob resides in Delray Beach, FL.

Original content Bob DeMarco, the Alzheimer's Reading Room

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