Like Jay Smith I Decided to Get Educated About Alzheimer's Prevention

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I believe that Jay Smith and I both came to the same conclusion -- there is life after a diagnosis of probable Alzheimer's disease...
Alzheimer's Reading Room

Like Jay Smith, when Alzheimer's struck I was filled with a deep desire and need to learn everything I could about Alzheimer's disease and how to prevent its progression.

Like you, I first learned about Jay Smith's approach to fighting (my word) Alzheimer's when I read his article that appeared here -- This Man Decided to Fight Alzheimer's -- Jay Smith.

Like Jay, I was less than happy when I read the NIH report that tried to discredit most of the research on prevention of Alzheimer's that has ever been published.

Like Jay, I read the entire report closely and learned that the NIH discounted most of the research because it did not rise to level of a clinical trial.

The money to do that level of research would never be made available on issues like exercise and nutrition. It can't happen because no one would invest $30 million or more in a project that had no chance of bringing them a venture capital like return on their money.

I believe that Jay Smith and I would agree, in order to deal effectively with Alzheimer's disease you have to get educated. You need a thorough understanding of the disease and a thorough understanding of every conceivable tool or method available to slow the progression of Alzheimer's.

It appears to me that Jay and I both arrived at similar conclusions (independently) while doing our research. I wrote often about the importance of exercise, nutrition (Mediterranean style diet), socialization, and bright light on this blog.

Most people in the Alzheimer's community scratch their head when I mention bright light. It is critical in my opinion.

I am also a strong advocate of combination therapy. In our case, the combination of Aricept and Namenda.

Jay was put on the combination therapy shortly after his diagnosis. I know others that were put on the combination in the very early stages of Alzheimer's; and, in many cases the outcomes are near miraculous. I understand miraculous is a strong word but when it comes to Alzheimer's miraculous has a definition all its own.

For the purposes of this article miraculous could mean Jay or Dotty.

Under exercise Jay mentioned walking. I started writing about Alzheimer's, exercise and walking in 2004. None of those articles are available here on the Alzheimer's Reading Room. The ARR did not yet exist.

I went into the search archive to see what we did have here on exercise and walking (you can use the search box on the right sidebar to search this blog).

There are a long list of articles here describing the benefits of walking and exercise for dementia patients. You can also read about Mediterranean style diet, socialization, and bright light by entering those keywords into the search box.

If you are worried about Alzheimer's disease you might want to visit and share this article.

Worried About Alzheimer's Disease?

I believe that Jay and I both came to the same conclusion -- there is life after a diagnosis of probable Alzheimer's disease.

I think we could also agree on this. Death is inevitable. In the meantime, live your life to the fullest degree possible.

Alzheimer's Disease -- Advice and Insight

Original content Bob DeMarco, the Alzheimer's Reading Room

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