Herbivores Don't Get Alzheimer's, Tanzi on Lifestyle, Music, and Alzheimer's

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Rudy Tanzi leads the Alzheimer's Genome Project, a groundbreaking initiative in collaboration with the Cure Alzheimer's Fund that is dedicated to finding genes associated with Alzheimer's disease.

By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room

Once scientists identify what's going wrong with those genes in people who have the condition, they can work toward developing drugs that may repair the damage. "The idea is fix what’s broken," Tanzi said.

In the meantime, I suggest you watch the video below, a couple of times, give this some serious thought.

If you don't see the Tanzi video go here.

Did you know Tanzi plays the piano? I didn't.

Music clears mind for Alzheimer's researcher

As world-class doctors mingled with entrepreneurs and technology innovators at the last TEDMED conference, beautiful piano music filled the ballroom during a snack break. I assumed TEDMED had hired a professional pianist to entertain us, but I realized my error when I got closer to the source: It was renowned Alzheimer's researcher Rudolph Tanzi trying out the shiny red instrument for fun. I also took a turn, but was quickly outdone - the piano's proprietor came over to say he mistook Tanzi's playing for Elton John's.

Go here to read more on Music clears mind for Alzheimer's researcher.

You might also find this video of interest, it is a good one -- Alzheimer's, Henry McCance and Rudolph Tanzi.

Also see:

Original content Bob DeMarco, the Alzheimer's Reading Room

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