Caregiver Stories Light the Heart and Mind, Why Not Write One

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We can complain, or vent, or whatever, but at the end of the day what we have is each other. Sharing is a good thing and it helps.

By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room

Caregiver Stories Light the Heart and Mind

I am seeking stories from Alzheimer's caregivers. I want you to tell us a story, or about an event, or even what is on your mind.

I can assure you that your story will make a difference in the life of another caregiver. Perhaps you cheer  a caregiver up on day when they need it most.

Maybe you are a catalyst of an idea that a caregiver turns into action,  and improves the life of a person that is living with dementia.

Maybe you write a story about an experience you had and how you solved a problem. A caregiver reads it, and the next thing you know they put what they learned to use somewhere down the rode.

When you write you will always accomplish this, you will let other caregivers know they are not ALONE.

We can complain, or vent, or whatever, but at the end of the day what we have is each other. Sharing is a good thing and it helps.

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The other day I put up a story by Karen Matthews, What is it like being an Alzheimer's caregiver? A Shop for Mom.

Karen wrote that story for us. By her own admission, Karen was a “dream squelchier”. But, with a little reinforcement from her husband, and a little bit of thought she made her mother who lives with dementia happy. If you read the story examine the dynamic. The story might turn the light bulb on in your head. You might get your idea.

Ideas like this by the way accomplish more than it appears on the surface. What happened. Karen's mother was happy. Karen and her husband accomplished something together. And here is a real bonus, while her mother is in the shop, everyone gets some rest. Those moments away from worrying.

Donna Giovannetti wrote a hair raising story, My Dad -- Missing and Found.

The story had a happy ending, so when I finished reading I was happy. Would you like to know what I really gained from the story? I thought, if this were to happen to me I will now know what to do. I hope I never have to do what Donna did, but if I do, I am going to "spring" into action immediately.

My point here. Some caregiver here, or one that comes by, might read that story. Somewhere down the road they benefit.

Yesterday more than 400 different stories were read on this website. That is right. Once you write it, is available forever. Some caregiver starts searching on Google, they find your story, you make their day. Over and over and over.

Finally, you can also make a podcast. An audio version of you story. It is easy, all you need is a phone.

C J Pittsburgh make a great podcast, Getting Kay to the Doctor (CinchCast).

Great story. Another day in the life of an Alzheimer's caregiver.

To write, all you need to do is use the contact button to let me know you are interested. The contact button is in the upper right hand corner on the navigation bar. Email me and we can get started.

Who knows? Maybe your story makes someone smile. Maybe you change someone's life. Or maybe, just maybe, you help them stay out of a state of depression.

Do you want to make a difference with other Alzheimer's caregivers? You decide.

More Insight and Advice for Caregivers

Bob DeMarco is the Founder of the Alzheimer's Reading Room and an Alzheimer's caregiver. The blog contains more than 2,910 articles with more than 652,100 links on the Internet. Bob lives in Delray Beach, FL.

Original content Bob DeMarco, the Alzheimer's Reading Room

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