Dotty, Costco, Tummy Ache

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About twenty minutes later, and after Dotty and I had devoured our ice cream, I asked Dotty, how was it? Delicious she responded.

By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room

Dotty, Costco, Tummy Ache
Yesterday we decided to make a trip to Costco. It never stops amazing me how easy it is to spend a couple of hundred bucks in Costco. There is some good news though.

We now have a year supply of bath soap and toothpaste. We are still working on the toilet paper and paper towels from a previous trip.

Coffee has gotten really expensive. Bought three pounds of a good coffee for 15 bucks. I don't keep track of coffee so I don't no how long that will last.

We have enough flavored oat meal for the next 27 weeks.

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I bought a new battery operated lantern made by Coleman. I don't really know why, we already have 4. But this one is the latest and it looked cool. Very nice design. It is the kind you could use while sitting around in the dark in the woods and play, uh poker.

You can never have too many battery operated lanterns down here in hurricane prone Florida. Did I tell you I went without electricity for seven days once. You might be thinking, oh my, that must have been awful for Dotty. Well a quick trip to the Bunkhouse paid off. I took one look at that monster heading straight at us and sent Dotty to New Jersey.

Now that I think about it that was a very trying time. While at the airport Dotty keep asking over and over, where am I going? Keep in mind I was a rookie. It only got worse. When Joanne gathered her up in New Jersey she wanted to know where she was, and why she was there?

Dotty was back when the biggest hurricane in Delray Beach history rolled through. Yes, the eye came right over Delray. Yes, a tree came through one of our windows. Most of Delray Beach lost their electricity for a week.

Not us. The sewer system that runs down the side of our property broke. Yes, we had poop - E rolling right down Del Aire Boulevard. Or more exactly, about 40 yards from where we live. Poop - E river, I am not kidding. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. They couldn't fix it so they had to run in some emergency electricity. We just happened to be included.

So we had our electricity back on in a day and a half. Most of our community, and most of Delray Beach went without electricity for a week.

Back to Costco. I did buy another stack of wash cloths. I have to throw those things out all the time. Anti urinary tract infections maneuver. Did you know that it is best to get rid of everything when a UTI strikes? Anyway, bought a dozen. Forgot the price.

I also bought this giant thing of cooked chicken wings and drums. Dotty loves wings. I was going to buy Dotty a giant Alaskan crab leg, but they were out. Can you believe they cost $19.99 a pound? Inflation. You can buy excellent veal at a lower price.

The cost of a Costco membership is more than worth it. We consume batteries here like there is not tomorrow. Harvey eats those 9 Volt batteries, the lantern use D batteries, and everything is wireless so we go through AA batteries fast. I spent over $37 on batteries. I'll tell ya what, I probably saved $37. Hence the membership is a good deal.

After I checked out, and as I was heading for the door, I noticed this woman eating an ice cream sundae. I looked and thought, wozo, I have to get one of those for Dotty for a treat.

While I was waiting for the ice cream sundae, I noticed the working woman dipping a giant vanilla ice cream bar in chocolate and then she rolled it in almonds. I thought, I have to have one of those. Then the big Uh OH. When they handed them to me, the sundae and ice cream bar, I immediately noticed they were very heavy. It then dawned on me that this was way too much ice cream for one person.

About twenty minutes later, and after Dotty and I had devoured our ice cream, I asked Dotty, how was the sundae? Delicious she responded. I wish I had a video of Dotty eating the sundae. She was just so happy. Watching her working on it, and how happy she was, was a thing of beauty. We are surviving (I had to work that in here).

We get home and Dotty doesn't look good all of a sudden. I ask Dotty what is wrong? She responded, I think there is something wrong with my stomach. Not I ate too much ice cream, something is wrong with my stomach. Dotty had a tummy ache. So I put Dotty in bed for a while. I thought, wow, Dotty is not going to get to eat her chicken wings tonight.

Wrong again. After an hour or two, Dotty rallied and was ready to eat.

What can I say. It was one heck of day. And yes, we will be going back for a sundae and giant ice cream bar. And yes, we will get it on film.

You just have to see the look on Dotty's face.

Bob DeMarco is the Founder of the Alzheimer's Reading Room and an Alzheimer's caregiver. The blog contains more than 2,910 articles with more than 652,100 links on the Internet. Bob lives in Delray Beach, FL.
Original content Bob DeMarco, the Alzheimer's Reading Room

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