Dotty, the Pee Pee Revelation, and Something I Didn't Tell you

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Bottom line, Dotty is some kind of amazing machine. A genetic marvel of sorts. The only thing I can figure is that Dotty's toughness, and Dotty's genetic make-up are fighting this Alzheimer's disease like there is no tomorrow.

By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room

Can you believe it? No pee pee
and no pee pee pajamas
Yesterday I wrote about Dotty's New Found Awareness and What It Told Me. This morning the saga continues and the plot thickens.

Dotty woke up bright eyed and all bushy tailed this morning. Right out of the box she tells me, look no pee pee. No pee pee pajamas, no pee pee underwear. She then invites me to check for myself. Look she says as she grabs her pajamas in the designated zone, feel it, dry as a bone. She invites me to take a feel.

Its true. No pee pee.

This compares to the other day when Dotty was folding the newly washed pee pee panties. She proceeded to tell Harvey, "look at all these pee pee panties, I must be peeing all over myself". Dotty acknowledging that she pee pees on her pajamas is a revelation unto itself. Usually Dotty will say, "I never pee on myself, you are full of sh**".

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I tried to get a podcast this morning but the technology failed. If you heard Dotty's voice this morning you would be surprised. It is very strong. Surprising really.

All of this compares to a few weeks ago when I was telling Carole Larkin how worried I was about Dotty, her health, and general demeanor.

Here is what I didn't tell you. Dotty had another urinary tract infection.

We had the pee pee cultured and sure enough, infection. I don't know why I am so lazy, I should write a short pamphlet about UTIs and dementia. It just never stops amazing how a UTI can drag the memory down. Any infection for that matter.

This story continues on. Dotty had a rolling urinary tract infection. The first one went away and came right back. As a result, we had two rounds of medication.

This time around we are using Bactrim. What is Bactrim?
Co-trimoxazole is a combination of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole, a sulfa drug. It eliminates bacteria that cause various infections, including infections of the urinary tract, lungs (pneumonia), ears, and intestines.
I must say, I think this call by our doctor was a very good one. I am talking about the prescription of Bactrim. The pill is gigantic. This medication is also very strong. Dotty is supposed to take two a day. The first time we did. However, this time I decided to give Dotty one a day. Like I said, this drug is monster strong. My call on this. Don't tell our doctor.

Now I know many of you are going to be tempted to advice me to get cranberry pills etc. We have all of that stuff folks. In fact, we have over 8 great articles on this site about UTI and Alzheimer's. And yes, we have the largest study where they tested cranberry and whether or not it reduced UTI. It does. If you would like to read up on this go here, Alzheimer's Disease, Urinary Tract Infections, Urinary Incontinence, Poop (8 Articles). You get a bonus article on poop.

So anyway, Dotty is very aware these last couple of days. I have to ask myself? Should Dotty be on a low grade antibiotic all the time, like every day? Would this improve her awareness?

Bottom line, Dotty is some kind of amazing machine. A genetic marvel of sorts. The only thing I can figure is that Dotty's toughness, and Dotty's genetic make-up are fighting this Alzheimer's disease like there is no tomorrow.

Dotty often says, why am I taking these pills, I'll be dead soon. I tell her the same thing I would say to anyone. You are not dead yet, and all we are worried about is today.

I had a happy good morning here. I have no idea how the rest of the day is going to go. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring.

We continue to live our life, and we do it one day at a time.

How is your day going?

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Original content Bob DeMarco, the Alzheimer's Reading Room

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