I Think About Alzheimer's Caregivers All the Time

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I believe our ability to carry on comes from the spirit within us. Many of us realize, later on, that our dormant spirit was re-enlivened and reinvigorated.

After my mother went to Heaven on May 25, 2012 I was asked all the time - will you stop writing on the Alzheimer's Reading Room? At the time I said no.

Don't worry I'm still here, and I intend to stay.

So now as we near the end of 2013 I can say,

I continue to think about Alzheimer's caregivers, and Alzheimer's caregiving every single day.

The Importance of Socialization in Dementia Care

I think about Alzheimer's as soon as I wake up, and sometimes right before I fall asleep, and often during the day.

I am surprised by the fact that I continue to get new ideas and new perspectives all the time.

Alzheimer's World

I have not forgotten about all the wonderful support, kindness, prayers, and encouragement we received while I was taking care of Dotty. I understand as well as anyone the importance of support.

More than 5,000,000 people have visited the Alzheimer's Reading Room from around the word. Some decide to stay.

We are with you.

I can say, one of the reasons that Dotty and I thrived, and did as well as we did, was because of our interaction with members of the Alzheimer's community worldwide.

I know what caregiving feels like. I know how very difficult it can be even in the best of times.

But most importantly,

I believe in Alzheimer's caregivers.

It is my belief that we are special. During our time of caring we accomplish more than most people will ever imagine.

In order to care we must reach deep. We reach down into our spirit and we activate the soul within us.

This is my belief.

I want to make something clear.

No matter what path you take -- stay at home, social day care, or a specialized nursing home

you are on the job.

Many of us suffer abandonment. This does not deter us. We continue right along.

We develop a resolve and intensity that is hard to describe. This is why we often hear --

I don't know how you do it.

We rise up with an intestinal fortitude that is often unexpected by others. And sometimes, even unexpected by ourselves.

For me it is simple.

We are the ONE. 

It is as simple as that. I believe that the majority of us are born a ONE. Born a ONE even if we do not at first realize this.

How to Get Answers To Your Questions About Alzheimer's and Dementia

Perhaps we prepare for our ONENESS over the course of our lifetime.

I believe our ability to carry on comes from the spirit within us. Many of us realize, later on, that our dormant spirit was re-enlivened and reinvigorated.

Some of us might conclude -- this is our purpose in life.

Alzheimer's caregivers relearn how to think, and relearn how to feel. I mean this is a very important and real way.

We the caregivers, at the minimum, like each other. Although, I believe we love each other.

There is nothing stronger than the feeling of love.

It is this strength from love and our common bond that gives us

the strength to carry on.

I continue to learn and I continue to think about Alzheimer's disease.

I don't know if that will ever end. It won't be happening any time soon.

So my my fellow companions, fellow dementia caregivers, I say.

I'm with ya all the way.

God bless you, and God bless your loved one.

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