Merry Christmas to the Alzheimer's and Dementia Community Worldwide

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For the typical Alzheimer's caregiver Christmas day can bring on a tidal wave of conflicting feelings. Christmas can be an emotional roller coaster ride.

Merry Christmas

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For the typical Alzheimer's caregiver Christmas day can bring on a tidal wave of conflicting feelings. Christmas can be an emotional roller coaster ride.

For those of us, like me, who have lost our loved one we can feel deep sadness, or choose to remember our loved one for the wonderful human being they were.

I think we could agree that our loved one's would want us to be happy and to have a wonderful day.

For those of you that sometimes get annoyed when a person who is deeply forgetful repeats themselves over and over consider this,

you might actually miss that behavior some day.

I'm sure many of us here would agree with that statement.

For those of you that have completed your mission, and for those of you that are still on the long journey please know this

I admire and respect you.

I understand how you might be feeling.

Have a wonderful day.

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