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Circulatory System

How to Prevent Circulatory System Diseases?

Heart diseases are among the leading causes of death in the United States. Hence it is very necessary to know how to prevent circulatory system diseases, which we are going to discuss in this article. Keep reading....
The circulatory system plays a very important role in the proper functioning of our body. This system regulates the blood supply in different parts which is done with the help of heart and blood vessels. Blood gets oxygenated by the lungs and supplied to the heart which pumps it to different parts of the body through the arteries. Then de-oxygenated or impure blood is taken by the veins to the lungs for oxygenation and like this, the process continues. Apart from carrying oxygen, blood also carries different minerals and nutrients which are very necessary for all the parts of the body. Any restriction in the blood supply may cause serious problems which can be life-threatening. Hence, it is very important to take proper precautions in order to avoid different types of circulatory system diseases.
Tips on How to Prevent Circulatory System Diseases

There are many circulatory system diseases which can be fatal. Some of them are angina, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, congenital heart defect, coronary artery disease, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and peripheral vascular disease. Circulatory system disease prevention will help you to stay away from the 
circulatory system disease. To help you with this, following are some of the preventive measures.

 Exercise: Exercise and workouts are the best way to keep your body healthy. Routine workouts generate a proper blood flow in the body which reduces the chances of getting circulatory system diseases. They also increase the oxygen level in the body which is the primary need of the body. You can opt for jogging, cycling, swimming or any other sports which can keep your body working.

 Quit Smoking: Smoking is the cause of a number of diseases among which circulatory system diseases are the most common ones. If you are already suffering from circulatory system diseases, then smoking may even cause death. Hence, it is best to avoid it completely.

 Control Alcohol: It has been observed that small amounts of alcohol specifically red wine can improve the blood circulation. But excess consumption of alcohol may take you to many health complications. Hence, it is very necessary to keep an eye on your alcohol consumption. 

 Stay Away from Stress: In our busy routine, we forget about our health and take a lot of mental and physical stress. Any type of stress can lead to a number of circulatory diseases. Meditation has proved to be one of the best ways to get rid of the problems of stress.

 Take Proper Rest: Your body needs proper rest after a day's long work hence try to get at least 7 hours sleep, in every 24 hours. It will remove toxins from your body and will maintain proper blood flow. Avoid sleeping extra as it will result in poor blood circulation in your body. 

 Foods to be Avoided: Just by taking care of the food habits you can easily protect yourself from circulatory system diseases. Avoid eating foods which have saturated fats like butter, dairy products, etc. Fat and cholesterol get deposited in the arteries and cause blockages in the proper circulation of blood. Avoid eating junk food items. Reduce the oil consumption and use only refined oils. 

 What to Eat: Fresh vegetables and fruits will improve the blood circulation of your body. Fat is one of the necessities of the body hence you cannot avoid it completely. You can have mono-unsaturated fat which you can get from nuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, omega 3 fatty acids, corn oil, soy oil, etc. You can have lean meat and lean dairy products. Fish can be very healthy for the prevention of circulatory diseases. Carbohydrates and fibers should be included in the diet. 

 Lose Weight: People with excess weight are more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases. Hence, it is very important to shed excess weight with the help of various weight reducing activities and a suitable diet. Consult a physician for more details. 

 Other Diseases: If you are suffering from other diseases such as diabetes then you need to be more careful. Keep an eye on the sugar levels and try to maintain it so as to avoid any type of circulatory system diseases. 

So these were some of the tips and preventive measures to improve circulatory system and to avoid circulatory system diseases. You can consult your doctor for more detailed information on the diet schedule. Hope this Buzzle article was helpful and informative.

How does Heart Disease Affect the Body

Working of the Circulatory System

As we all are aware, the main purpose of the circulatory system is to provide nutrients and oxygen to the various parts of the body, via the blood, which is circulated through the veins and arteries. Arteries carry the oxygenated blood from the heart to the cells and tissues, whereas veins return the oxygen-depleted blood from the cells and tissues to the heart. Based on the mode of functioning, the circulatory system can be classified into the two categories - the systemic circulation and the pulmonary circulation.

The Systemic Circulation: The systemic circulation is actually a loop starting from the heart and distributing to various parts of the body, which works in contrast to the pulmonary circulation. In the systemic circulation, arteries collect the oxygen-rich blood from the heart and is transported to the body tissues. In the process, oxygen from the blood (or precisely, the red blood cells, RBCs) is diffused into the body cells; whereas carbon dioxide from the cells is diffused in the blood. This exchange of gases takes place with the help of small capillaries that surround the body cells.

The Pulmonary Circulation: The pulmonary circulation is also a loop that begins in the heart and continues to the lungs. It is that portion, where the deoxygenated blood from the heart is carried to the lungs and in turn, returns oxygenated blood to the heart. The oxygen-depleted blood leaves the heart (right ventricle) through the two pulmonary arteries and moves into the lungs. In the lungs, respiration takes place in which the red blood cells (RBCs) release carbon dioxide and absorbs oxygen. Oxygenated blood from the lungs is then carried back to the heart (left atrium) with the help of pulmonary veins. The systemic circulation distributes this oxygen-rich blood to the body parts.

Working of the circulatory system will not be complete, unless we talk about the cardiac cycle. A cardiac cycle is defined as one complete heartbeat, which comprises two phases - systole and diastole. In the former case, contraction of ventricles takes place to pump blood for pulmonary and systemic circulation; whereas, the ventricles relax and blood is filled in the atria in diastole phase. This way, blood pumps in the close loop of the circulatory system. Any disorder in the heart and blood vessels can lead to heart diseases, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary artery disease, heart attacks, and stroke.

To sum up, the circulatory system works in association with the other organ systems of the body. For example, it functions in coordination with the respiratory system and digestive system to supply oxygen and nutrients to the body. Also, blood carries the messenger chemicals - hormones, secreted by the organs of the endocrine system. Thus, the circulatory system is responsible for circulating hormones for proper communication between the body organs

Respiratory System

How to Prevent Respiratory Disease?


Respiratory disease can do a lot to your health if it develops. There are many things you can do to avoid catching any sort of respiratory disease. These include stopping smoking, getting plenty of rest and avoiding stress


Respiratory disease can do a lot to your health if it develops. There are many things you can do to avoid catching any sort of respiratory disease. These include stopping smoking, getting plenty of rest and avoiding stress. Let us read below to find out more.
Different Types of Respiratory Disease
Many different kinds of respiratory diseases interfere with breathing. There are respiratory diseases which affect the nasal area, throat, windpipe and the lungs. These types of respiratory diseases include:
• Colds
• Influenza
• Allergic Rhinitis
There are more serious respiratory diseases. These include:
• Asthma
• Tuberculosis
• Cystic Fibrosis
• Obstructive lung disease
• Pulmonary vascular disease
How to Prevent Respiratory Disease
1) Stop Smoking
You should know by now that smoking can be a major cause of respiratory disease. If you quit smoking now, you’re obviously going to save your body a lot of trouble including your friends and family members who get exposed to your second-hand smoke. Those who suffer from passive smoking have also suffered from respiratory diseases, so you need to be careful. Find out the ‘health effects of passive smoking’ and ‘how to quit smoking’ by visiting the links.
1) Get Plenty of Rest
Similarly how a person should get plenty of rest when suffering from a cold or flu, a person who is likely to suffer from respiratory disease should also get lots of rest. This can help your immune system battle against any bacteria or diseases in your body, preventing respiratory disease.
2) Avoid Stress
Avoiding stress can significantly improve your overall health. Too many concerns and worries can jeopardize your health can cause several health problems such as stroke, angina and possibly even ruin your heart health.

Dieting can Help Respiratory Diseases
A well based diet combining several health nutrients can help improve body functions and the respiratory system. If you’re hoping to start dieting, include foods that contain high levels of protein. Foods containing protein include:
• Lean meats
• Turkey
• Fish
• Soy
• Eggs
• Low-fat dairy products
• Skinless chicken
• Whole grains
• Fruits and vegetables
Eating unhealthy levels of fat and also increase health problems. Fats such as saturated fat, omega-6 fatty acids and Trans fats shouldn’t be taken as much as monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids.

To make it  short
Overall, few usual respiratory diseases are occasional and do not threaten a person life. However, more serious respiratory diseases such as asthma, tuberculosis and many other diseases require medical treatment.

Some Pictures that are Effect of Circulatory And Respiratory Diseases

Circulatory Disease Effects

Respiratory Diseases Effects

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