seborrheic skin disease

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A particular pattern of eczema may occur in association with the seborrhoeic eruptions  or may alternate with them. The condition is markedly erythematous and exudative and leads to profuse greasy flaky crusting. It frequently begins on the scalp, where the exudation may be so profuse as to soak the patient's pillow at night and run down his face and neck during the day. It may spread to the forehead and temples and down the neck behind the ears. Occasionally the condition may be localised to the creases behind the ears, the eyebrows or the upper eyelids. Alternately, the malady may affect, the flexures, notably those of the trunk such as the axillae, the fold beneath the breasts or across an obese abdomen, the umbilicus, groin or natal cleft. In severe cases, sheets of red, glazed, oozing and crusting eczema may spread widely on the trunk and even on to the limbs.

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