3 Causes of Dementia and Memory Loss in the Elderly

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Exposure to general anesthesia increases the risk of dementia in the elderly by 35%.

3 Causes of Dementia and Memory Loss in the Elderly | Alzheimer's Reading Room

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  1. Exposure to general anesthesia increases the risk of dementia in the elderly by 35% according to a study presented at Euroanaesthesia. See - Does Anesthesia Cause Memory Loss or Dementia in the Elderly?
  2. Undetected infections are common in dementia patients. These infections can lead to permanent memory loss, hard to deal with behavior, dullness (the not there effect), and even death. See - Dementia and Memory Loss Caused by Infection.
  3. Alzheimer's robs you of your memory, especially recent memories. What are the causes of memory loss in Alzheimer's and dementia? See - The First Sign of Alzheimer's Short Term Memory Loss

Custom Search - Anesthesia and Memory Loss

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