Memory Loss Don't Ask Me What I Had For Breakfast

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This short film from the New York Memory Center illustrates how staying active in social day care can enliven persons living with dementia.

Dementia Love | Alzheimer's Reading Room

The benefits of social day care for dementia patients also has a positive impact on caregivers.

It should be clear to you after watching this short film that socialization and engaging in the arts (music, painting, dancing, yoga, etc) can slow memory loss, and can be more effective than the currently available medications for Alzheimer's disease.

I strongly suggest you pay close attention to the last section of the video which begins with Christopher Nadeau explaining how social care can increase self esteem and lessen the negative behavioral symptoms frequently associated with dementia.

Christopher Nadeau is the Executive Director of the New York Memory Center.

The New York Memory Center is a non-profit and relies on donations to keep its doors open, and to continue doing good work.

Please consider donating.

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