50,000 People Touched by Alzheimer's Each Day

By -

Imagine the emotional, psychological, and financial burden this takes on families of persons living with dementia.

50,000 People Touched by Alzheimer's Each Day | Alzheimer's Reading Room
I'm sitting here looking at a picture of a family reunion that took place in Indiana. In the front is the mother of my friend John sitting in a chair. Behind her are all the members of her extended family - 210 fathers, mothers, uncles, aunts, and cousins!

This made me think, wow, 210 people were touched by Alzheimer's on the day she was diagnosed. I continued to think about the magnitude of Alzheimer's disease, and  the toll it takes on families when it strikes.

By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room

In the United States more than 1,250 persons are diagnosed with Alzheimer's each day. If the average extended family consisted of 40 people that would mean

50,000 People

are touched by Alzheimer's each day in the U.S.

If we were to extrapolate out the numbers worldwide the number grows to about

400,000 People

that are touched by Alzheimer's or a related dementia each day.

Typically, a person living with Alzheimer's lives another 7-8 years after diagnosis. Just about 8 years in the case of my beloved mother - Dotty.

Imagine the emotional, psychological, and financial burden this takes on families of persons living with dementia.


Maybe this is the way we should be explaining the ravages of Alzheimer's and related dementia to our politicians.

Feel free to copy the URL below and send it to Washington, to your local politician, or an Alzheimer's advocate.

You might consider adding these words.

Will you or your Family be Next!

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Today more than 50,000 people will start feeling what we feel each day.

Good to Read, and Good to Share

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Bob DeMarco  is the Founder of the Alzheimer's Reading Room (ARR).
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