Discussing Alzheimer's with Family On Mother's Day

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Families should consider these simple propositions.

Dementia caregivers often get sick or depressed. Dementia caregivers need the help of family and friends.

If the Alzheimer's caregiver becomes sick physically or emotionally, who is going to step into the vacuum when the caregiver no longer has the ability to care for the dementia patient?

 In addition, Alzheimer's caregiver need help.

Mother's day weekend gives dementia caregivers an opportunity to discuss family caregiving issues with family and friends.

By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room

Two things every family should know.

30 percent of dementia caregivers end up suffering from depression. Good families should be working together to make sure this doesn't happen. Three out of ten. The odds are stacked against you.

Families should consider this simple proposition. If the Alzheimer's caregiver becomes sick physically or emotionally, who is going to step into the vacuum when they no longer have the ability to care for the Alzheimer's patient?

Next, in order to communicate effectively with someone living Alzheimer's disease or dementia you need to develop a new set of communication skills. This takes time and effort.

Failure to do this can cause an Alzheimer's patient to become miserable or mean. Poor communication can also cause Alzheimer's patients to deteriorate more rapidly. The inability to communicate effectively lowers the quality of life of a person living with dementia; and, lowers the quality of the life of the dementia caregiver.

The ARR is full of articles indicating that Alzheimer's patients are capable of "more" then is commonly known or considered. All family members should be aware of this.

If distance is an issue, you can still bring these articles into their awareness on Mother's day weekend and discuss them over the phone.

Whether its your Mother, Father, Spouse, or a friend this is a good time to discuss Alzheimer's issues and bring these issues out into the light of day.

You can share this article via email and then discuss if necessary. The best path to good effective Alzheimer's caregiving is open, honest, communication.

Find the Solutions to Problems and the Answers to Your Qyestions

If as a caregiver you are feeling lonely, abandoned, stressed, or just plain worn out this is an opportunity to bring these issues into the open. At the end of day, the only thing you can do as an Alzheimer's caregiver is inform and enlighten others. You can lead them to water, but it is up to them to drink. So lead.

If they don't follow you will know that you tried. As a caregiver you will know that you controlled what you can control -- You.

Knowing that you did what you could do often brings feelings of accomplishment and releases you from under the dark cloud that is often a source of depression. Blow those clouds away. Take action.

Don't be afraid to ask for help with your dementia patient. Caring for dementia patients is very difficult and teamwork works best.


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Bob DeMarco is the Founder of the Alzheimer's Reading Room and an Alzheimer's caregiver.

Original content the Alzheimer's Reading Room

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