Dotty never knew she had Alzheimer's. In the beginning when I was trying to explain this to her one of three things happened -- she became angry and said mean things to me, she started crying, or she went into the bedroom and wouldn't come out.
How to Convince an Alzheimer's Patient They Need Help?
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By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room
Can you actually convince someone suffering from Alzheimer's disease that they need help? Is it possible to do?
I am assuming in this case that the person living with dementia refuses to believe they need help. I then thought to myself, what would be easier to do?
To try and convince someone that is living with Alzheimer's and didn't believe it that they needed help; or, to bang my head against a concrete wall 100 times?
Dotty never knew she had Alzheimer's.
In the beginning when I was trying to explain this to her one of three things happened -- she got angry and start hurling mean verbal barbs at me, she started crying, or she went into the bedroom and wouldn't come out.
I ended up feeling sad, frustrated, and with a sick stomach. It isn't easy being purple.
Obviously, I was able to get her to the doctor and after many months received the diagnosis. However, I know from previous emails that someone with a strong will can refuse to go to the doctor. It takes some technique to get them there.
Perhaps some of you have insight, advice, or first hand experience on what a person "might do" or "might try" when they find themselves looking for an answer to the question above.
You never know -- your advice might make a big difference in the life of a soon to be Alzheimer's caregiver.
My guess is that many thousands of Alzheimer's caregivers have asked this question.
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