People with Dementia Have Hidden Talents and Are Often More There

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A growing number of caregivers are learning - persons living with Alzheimer's and dementia often have hidden talents that can amaze.

By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room

I read the article linked below in livescience and it is both informative and enlightening. This clearly falls under the category - "more there". By more there I mean, more there than we can imagine

The article immediately reminded me of Daniel Potts, Marilyn Raichle, and my own mother - Dotty.

Imagine Dotty in the gym at age 88. All of a sudden she jumped on an complex shoulder exercise machine and this lead to us going to the gym on average 5 days a week for the next 5 years. We used a modified version of the exercises described in -  Five Factor Fitness.

Enjoy the article and don't ever forget - persons living with dementia are capable of more than we can imagine.

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Some patients with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) show an artistic enhancement of musical abilities. However, no patients with FTD, to date, have been reported to be able to learn how to play a musical instrument after disease onset.

We describe a patient (J. K.) who had never played any musical instruments premorbidly, but who learned to play the saxophone after being diagnosed with a behavioral variant of FTD. He mastered a repertoire that consisted of 10 pieces of Korean folk songs over a period of three years. Furthermore, his saxophone skills were high enough to outperform other students in his class.

For more details see and read,

People with Dementia May Have Hidden Talents, Strange Case Shows

Dr Daniel Potts commented: The case shows that people with dementia may have hidden talents and abilities that can emerge when given the opportunity. Potts is a dementia specialist in Alabama and a member of the American Academy of Neurology. Potts called the case - "fascinating."

Check out this article about Lester Potts (Daniel's father).

Art Therapy and the Life of an Alzheimer's Patient

And how about Marilyn Raichle and her mom?

Those Suffering from Alzheimer's are Still Here

Well you just never know unless you try.

Keep and open mind.

Supporting material.

Alive Inside Official Trailer
Why Art Therapy is Good for the Brain
ARTZ: Artists for Alzheimer's
The Neuroscience of Music and Alzheimer's
The Use of Music in Dementia Care
5 Reasons Why Music Boosts Brain Activity

Bob DeMarco is the Founder of the Alzheimer's Reading Room (ARR). Bob is a recognized writer, speaker, and influencer in the Alzheimer's and Dementia Community worldwide.
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