If we can delay the onset of Alzheimer's by five years, by some estimates we can cut the incidence of Alzheimer's in half. If we can delay the disease by 10 years, we could almost eliminate it because people would die from other conditions first.
--Stephen Rao, in the journal Neurology
- Advice and Insight -- Alzheimer's Caregiving
- What is Alzheimer's Disease ?
- Conquering Urinary Incontinence
- Alzheimer's and the Dreaded Bowel Movement
- Dementia and the Eight Types of Dementia
- Does the Combination of Aricept and Namenda Help Slow the Rate of Decline in Alzheimer's Patients
- Communicating in Alzheimer's World
- Test Your Memory (TYM) for Alzheimer's or Dementia in Five Minutes
- Dr Oz Alzheimer's Memory Quiz (Test)
- Alzheimer's Clock Draw Test -- Detect the Signs of Alzheimer's Early
- Is it Really Alzheimer's or Something Else?
- 60 Good Reasons to Subscribe to the Alzheimer's Reading Room
Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room
Original content Bob DeMarco, the Alzheimer's Reading Room