Margaret on Hospice Care

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The Hospice team was a Godsend.... Hospice truly takes care of not only the patient, but the family unit as a whole....
Alzheimer's Reading Room

This comment by our reader Margaret on Hospice care appeared under the article, Now I'll Tell You About Franny, and Hospice Care Increasing for Nursing Home Patients with Dementia .

My dad passed on 11/9/10 in the comfort and security of his own home while in Hospice care.

Diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2007, I am so proud I was able to adhere to his wishes of remaining here, rather than in a NH.

My mother passed in 1996 from pneumonia, or the angels way of taking her gently from the cloud of Alzheimer's.

Due to the 'newness' of the disease at that time, and our inability to care for her at home, we were forced to place her in NH care. This was a decision my father struggled with for so very long. In the end, it was the best decision for my own father's health at the time.

I am convinced my mom received the highest level of care possible because my dad was at the NH each and every day for upwards of six hours, plus I visited nightly and on weekends.

I was fortunate to be able to keep my dad out of a NH due to the amount of information available for me to be proactive, enabling a safe, secure, comfortable and 'dementia-friendly' home.

After having been on Aricept for three years my dad developed an adverse reaction. It was clear the Aricept was no longer working effectively. His physician and I jointly decided to remove Aricept, with no replacement precription. In August 2010 my dad was placed into Hospice care.

The Hospice team was a Godsend.

The initial response from Hospice was like the army corp of engineers. I was innundated with information, support and loving care. The 'team' is wonderful. Hospice truly takes care of not only the patient, but the family unit as a whole. They recognize dementia as a debilitating disease, not only for the patient, but the family unit. The toll this disease takes on caregivers is devastating.

In our case, it was clearly evident the disease was progressing, and without the assistance of Aricept and/or Namenda, the disease would run its course rapidly.

Hospice was indeed the correct choice for our situation. It was such a good and kind approach to end of life. The words 'thank you' seem so small, compared to the level of loving care, support and kindness the Hospice team provided to us.

It was an honor and a privilege to be able to care for my dad.

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