Pat on Hospice Care

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We thought that hospice did more for my dad than any other organization.....
Alzheimer's Reading Room

This comment on Hospice care by our reader Pat appeared under the article, Now I'll Tell You About Franny, and Hospice Care Increasing for Nursing Home Patients with Dementia .

My dad passed away in hospice on November 22nd.

My mom, brother and sisters and I were very happy with how my dad was treated there and also how they treated all of us.

My dad seemed to be more aware in hospice, maybe since many of the drugs he was on were discontinued and he had drugs for anxiety, and comfort.

I'll never forget how we told him it was okay to go and be with his parents, brothers and sister and when we cried, a tear ran down his face.

Also, when my mom kissed my dad, he kissed her back.

It was just unbelievable, he was so close to dying and still loved my mom and us so much.

We thought that hospice did more for my dad than any other organization.

Pat's father, Wally Jaep, was cared for at Vitas Hospice.

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