Wish Dotty a Happy New Year Via a Podcast -- Record a Message to Her

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Are you interested in wishing Dotty a Happy New Year?...

How about you make a podcast and then I'll publish it to the Alzheimer's Reading Room and play it for Dotty.

You might be thinking, what is a podcast?

Here is how it works. I send you a phone number, you call the number, start talking after your hear the beep, and your voice gets recorded.

Once completed, you have a recording (broadcast) that can be shared on the Internet and posted to this blog. This is the same method I use when I make audio broadcasts for this website -- CinchCast.

In order to use Cinch to record your podcast it will be necessary for you to give me the phone number of the phone you will be calling from. This allows Cinch to put the podcast into my account, and allows me to identify the podcast.

Next, I'll send you a phone number to call. This is the number you use to make your indvidualized podcast.

Two notes of caution.

The call is not toll free. And, once you make the podcast it is public. So anyone can come along and listen.

Your podcast will show up all over the Internet. This includes here on ARR, on our CinchCast page, and on our iTunes page. It will also get distributed via social media.

When you start to record your podcast, please identify yourself and tell us where you live.

Here is the format I would suggest. I'll use my name and location in this example.

Hi Dotty, this is Bob DeMarco (if you want you can go first name only).

I am in Delray Beach, Florida and I wanted to wish you a Happy New Year.

Don't forget to tell Bobby what a wonderful son he is each day (just kidding about this part).

Speak (say) your message to Dotty and hang up the telephone.

Then email me and let me know you made the podcast, so I can go get it.

If you want to make a podcast, use this contact form. Make sure you include your email address so I can get back to you with the telephone number for the podcast.

Be sure to include your name, and the phone number you will be using. Please put these words in the subject box of the email -- Hi Dotty.

If you have any questions use the contact form to ask.

This is open to all readers and all member of the Collective Voice of the Alzheimer's Reading Room.

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Alzheimer's Disease -- Advice and Insight

Bob DeMarco is the Founder of the Alzheimer's Reading Room and an Alzheimer's caregiver. The blog contains more than 2,201 articles with more than 272,100 links on the Internet. Bob resides in Delray Beach, FL.

The Alzheimer's Action Plan


The Art of Dementia Care

Original content Bob DeMarco, the Alzheimer's Reading Room

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