Dotty Says, Don't Ask, I'm Not Telling Revisited

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Many of you are new to the Alzheimer's Reading Room. As you know, my mother Dotty has not been feeling well the last week.

On her 94th birthday last June, Dotty wrote an article. Here it is.

Bobby says I am bright eyed and bushy tailed today. He seems surprised. How many times do I have to tell you -- I am a healthy old broad.....

By Dorothy DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room

Its my birthday today. Big deal. When you are as old as I am its just another day.

Bobby wants me to tell you how old I am today. Its none of your business. He says, if I won't tell how old I am I have to say this -- I'm older then dirt. Cute, huh.

I told Bobby not to tell anyone its my birthday. Meanwhile people are showing up all day wishing me a Happy Birthday. I am getting lots of cake and cookies. Send money.

Bobby did give me a nice pair of gold earrings. He says this is just the beginning.

After lunch I am getting my hair done and getting a manicure. Later on Bobby is taking me out for dinner. He wants to know where I want to go?

Didn't I write about this before?

How the hell do I know where to go. I'll do what I always do. Get in the car and let my chauffeur make all the decisions. I bet you are surprised that I can spell chauffeur. Here is the other way to spell it -- B O B B Y.

Bobby says I am bright eyed and bushy tailed today. He seems surprised. How many times do I have to tell you -- I am a healthy old broad. And, I am not a rabbit.

Bobby says before we get on the move he has to wash my hair, give me a shower, and a shave. He claims I will be all nice and shiny. I'll tell you what will make me all shiny -- a nice new fifty.

Here is the good news. No doctor's appointments this week. All they want is my money anyway. They are a bunch of quacks.

I'll tell you what I really want for my birthday -- a new picture. Bobby claims we can't do that because it will ruin my brand. Brand? Bobby says Coke tried to change it up and it almost ruined them. I don't drink Coke, so what the hell does that have to do with me?

Bobby says, I'm classic.

Maybe after Bobby gets me fixed up I can find a boyfriend, get married and get out of his hair.

Meanwhile, I'm hungry.

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Original content Bob DeMarco, the Alzheimer's Reading Room

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