anthrax skin disease

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Diagnosis -

The patient's occupation with hides wool hair or animals should lead one to considert he possibility as should also the recent purchase of a cheap shaving brush. The diagnosis is confirmed by the finding of anthrax bacilli in the lesion which however is not always easy. In the absence of treatment death may occur in-3-5 days but mild cases which recover spontaneously are sometimes seen.
skin viruses,skin diseases.anthrax disease pictures

Treament - 

Treament is by penicillin one million units on admission followed by a Quarter of  a million units six-hourly for seven  days. Or aureomycin may be given by mouth 500 mgm. six-hourly for three days followed by 250mgm. six-hourly for four days. The pustule should not be excised. The disease usually appears among those engaged in occupations where the hazard is foreseeable. Since a safe and effective means of immunization is now available in the form of a vaccine adequate protection should always be given to all those at risk.

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