leprosy disease

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skin disease leprosy


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Tuberculoid leprosy when it presents as a depigmented patch must be differentiated from vitiligo pityriasis versicolor  and pityriasis simplex .In vititigo the affected areas are completely depigmented the surround.ing normal skin tends to be hyperpigmented and there is no scaling. Pityriasis versicolor cause fawn patches in fair skins and pale patches in dark skins together with a fine scaling in whic on microscopical examination mycelium and spores can be seen. Pityriasis simplex is commonest on the face of children. In none of these conditions is there any loss of sensation. InfiItrated and nodular lesions may closely resemble lupus vulgaris  and sarcoidosis. unimpaired sensation within the lesions of these conditions again serves as a differentiating feature.


 This has been revolutionized by the introduction of the sulphones. These can be given orally in the form of dapsone in doses increasing gradually from 25 to 400mgs. twice a week or subcutaneously with a 50% aqueous solution of solpasone in doses increasing from 0.5 to 3.0 ml. twice weekly. Another drug thiambutosine is also given orally in doses of 1 to 2 G daily. Treatment must be continued for years and should be supervised by specialists in the disease.

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