skin disease sarcoidosis
As in the case of drug eruptions, another great imitator the diagnosis of sarcoidosis rests primarily upon a constant awareness of its possibility. Lupztsu ulgaris, syphilis and tuberculoid leprosy most closely resemble it morphologically and their differentiation is discussed in the sections dealing with these conditions .
Occasionally the malady is difficult to distinguish from the cutaneous manifestations of a reticulosis .In most cases however final diagnosis ultimately depends upol histological investigation. A full clinical examination should also be made in an effort to discover other manifestations of the disease and a chest X-ray taken. occasionally cystic bone changes occur in the fingers and toes showing as sightly tender palpable firm bony nodules on the phalanges The Mantoux reaction is negative in about two thirds of cases at a strength of 100 T.U.
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Nothing affects the disease except systemic steroids and even these are disappointing in the deep nodular and lupus pernio types of the malady They should not be used unless the condition is proving a serious cosmetic disability and are usually best reserved for treating the more serious aspects of systemic affection.