Intertrigo disease

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Intertrigo skin disease

intertrigo pictures

This condition, together with its predisposing factors, has already been described . When it is due to candida the lesions start as small red papulo-squamous patches which become vesicular. The vesicles rupture, exposing smooth, red, moist areas each with an overhanging edge of white, sodden epidermis in which the fungus can be found by microscopical examination of scrapings. Between the toes it causes a similar moist, red, raw and peeling condition which can be difficult to distinguish clinically and microscopically from a ringworm infection. Very occasionally the same type of lesion may occur between the middle and ring fingers. Finally, napkin dermatitis  may be due to candida.


 The predisposing causes, namely obesity, hyperidrosis and lack of cleanliness, must be adequately treated, otherwise relapse will occur, and in any case intertrigo can be a very difficult condition to cure. Lotions, powders and paints are more effective than ointments and in the case of candida intertrigo the areas should be painted twice daily with a suspension of nystatin (100,000 units per ml.) amphotericin lotion (Fungizone), 1/2% gentian violet or magenta paint (pig. castellani). These should be allowed to dry and then powdered with zinc oxide or talc and the skin surfaces separated by a few layers of gauze.

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