ringworm skin disease

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Ringworm of the beard (tinea barbae)


tinea capitis pictures, pictures of ringworm, ringworm pictures,skin fungus pictures, ringworm of the beard pictures, ringworm photos, ringworm pictures on skin.
Diagnosis depends on finding the fungus in infected. Hairs  by microscopically examination. The preparation should be warmed or allowed to stand for half an hour before examination. The differential diagnosis is from staphylococcal sycosis  impetigo, pustular acne,iodide or bromide eruptions and syphitides. Staphylococcal sycosis commonly affects the upper 1ip and never forms the purple lumps so characteristic of tinea sycosis. It may be difficult to find infected hairs in the suppurative type of ringworm as those most heavily infected often fall out as a result of the inflammation.


 Griseofulvin is given by mouth in routine doses, treatment being necessary for about 4 weeks. Locally the suppurative type is treated with wet gauze compresses of 1: 10,000 aqueous hydrarg. perchlor. Or lead lotion. Systemic antibiotics are frequently needed to combat the secondary pyogenic infection. Most of the infected hairs will be shed owing to the severity of the inflammation, but thorough daily manual epilation of all loose hairs will hasten recovery. When pustulation and crust, formation have ceased, a fungicidal ointment should be used twice daily.

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