Got Alzheimer's? Uncle Sammy says -- Tough Luck

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Should Alzheimer's caregivers be paid $1 an hour by the United States Government?
By Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room

Over 65?

Need a heart operation? No problem.

Diagnosed with cancer need extended treatment? No problem.

Medicare is ready to step in and give you an operation, or whatever treatment you need when these diseases strike.

Got Alzheimer's? Good luck, good riddance, see ya later.

I have to wonder, are people suffering from Alzheimer's disease being discriminated against because they picked the wrong disease?
In case you didn't notice, the issue of providing long term care or dealing with the unique medical issues of Alzheimer's is no where to be found in the current national health care debate.
This despite the fact that more than 9 million unpaid Alzheimer's caregivers are on the job for about 8.5 billion hours a year.

Alzheimer's caregivers are contributing around $94 billion to the nation each year. This is the dollar value of what we, the Alzheimer's caregivers, are saving the United States government each year.

This has me thinking. I estimate I have been on the job for 51,288 hours. All but 18 days for what will soon be six years. Six years, so far.

It now dawned on me that I would like to be paid a dollar an hour by the government for what I am doing.

My new program for caregivers would cost the United State government 8.5 billion dollars a year. Less than the cost of a month fighting the Iraq war.

I could have dumped my mother into the Medicaid system at least 4 years ago. Let's take a conservative view and say that would have cost Uncle Sammy $4,000 a month. Cost for 4 years, $192,000.

I want my buck an hour, you?

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More About the Alzheimer's Reading Room

Bob DeMarco is the Founder of the Alzheimer's Reading Room and an Alzheimer's caregiver. Bob has written more than 1,880 articles with more than 95,100 links on the Internet. Bob resides in Delray Beach, FL.

The Alzheimer's Action Plan
300 Tips for Making Life Easier

Original content Bob DeMarco, the Alzheimer's Reading Room

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